Hi, my name is April Shadek Mickles.
And I'm Bethany Martin. I think we should start with you cause you kind of started the journey.
Okay. So Christel Clear photography, and I were friends on Facebook a few months ago. And I noticed that she was doing kind of an updated glamour shot. And you know, I've had my health issues, cancer survivor living with chronic pain. And lots of days I'm home bound and have no reason to put makeup on, just got my hair up in a ponytail and I forget what it feels like to be beautiful.

To be a woman now and be glamorous.
In her forties. So I got ahold of Christel and I was a model for her and I did my makeup up and got my hair done and spend an afternoon with Christel where she made me feel literally, like I probably haven't felt since I was in my twenties. Christel just has a way of bringing out your sensuality and making you feel more special and more beautiful than I think I've felt in a long time.

I know I felt like kind of a sex goddess in a way.
You look like a sex goddess.

Well, so do you. I've known April forever and saw her amazing photos and I just went, April's one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. And the fact that Christel was able to bring out her inner beauty also, she just was able to capture April's spirit and how beautiful and gorgeous she is.
And I feel the same way about you with your photos? I couldn't get over them.
I was like, you know what I want to do that. I've never done anything like that. And it just made me feel amazing. Amazing. I couldn't even put it into words.
You got your hair done. And I did her makeup that morning
We just came in and it was just kind of weird at first for me, because I've never done any kind of photo shoot or been a model. And I started to liven up, loosen up a little bit, and…

It really turned into a party afterward
It did. It was fun. And I was like, Oh, it's over. Can we do a few more?
And Christel has so many different backgrounds and accessories and props and you know, it's not the glamour of the 1980s. It's not the big hair, thick makeup. You get to take these portraits home, of course. Bethany and I both chose to do little personal private books for our husbands.

So nobody else can see, their eyes only.

And kinda has a little excitement every now and then. But in addition to that, we also took some that we can put up on our wall or share with family. And I know for me personally, because I am homebound so much of the time and I have really rough days sometimes that just looking up at that portrait and seeing that, you know, I'm still that beautiful, energetic woman that I think I forget to embrace a lot of the time. And Bethany is a career woman and she's on the go all the time. And she just came from work and she looks absolutely gorgeous. But the photos of her that day just brought out this inner light in her. And I just hope that my photos are half as gorgeous as yours are.
We couldn't have done it without you, Christel. Thank you so much.
These two best friends came to me for their boudoir photo shoots in 2015. I love it when besties come in together. It's like a small party! I know this was a few years back, however this is a fine example of two life long best friends that will always share experiences with each other no matter what cities they move to or how many careers they go thru, children, relationships, married or not these two will always be best friends.
Let me know if you want to book a double photo shoot with your best friend. I can alternate the two of you in the studio. Limit to 2.
For a FREE CONSULTATION at my studio with me : https://calendly.com/christelclearcc/30min